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Daniil Makarov. Flowers of war I, 40×40


Artist print

Dimensions: 40×40 cm
Edition of 10+2AP
Version: Plexiglas print (plasticization)

The photograph is sold with a sticker on the back of the object, signed by the author and indicating the edition.

The gallery issues a certificate of conformity.

1 in stock

SKU: 9770592134059604998 Category:


Makarov Daniil was born in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where the greatest influence was exerted by the culture of the east, which had no place on the mainland. Without graduating from the St. Petersburg University of Design and Technology, he became a “free student” at the Tokyo University of the Arts. In Japan, I personally met designer Yoji Yamamoto, photographer Nobuyoshi Araki and director Wong Kar-Wai. They became his real teachers, who could teach without saying anything, you just had to carefully observe their actions.

Thanks to them, an idea emerged – taboo, naive intimacy in the depiction of others and painful openness in one’s own free creativity.

Collages created from various photographs of flora and fauna, less often people, serve one purpose – the embodiment of personal experiences, often not related to the outside world, only visually reminiscent of it. The combination of objects and their transformation, rather even mutation, under the influence of artificial intelligence, originates from a passion for the art of ikebana. These compositions – emotions, sensations, fears and concentration on the inner self – are a reflection of the author at the moment of creation.

Additional information

Weight 1500 g