This is a series of works that explores the nature of transforming the unique into the collective. By cropping found images of people from their home archives, Sergei shows how a unique, inimitable gesture of one person can become typical and “faceless” in the system of general motor skills.
Sergey Gonchar grew up in Yekaterinburg. Studied at the Ural State Mining University. From 2013 to 2014, member of the “Thursday” photo club (leaders Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Ivanov, Artyom Berkovich and Raisa Zorina) at the Metenkov House photographic museum. Participant in the “photo workshop” of Sergei Poteryayev and Fyodor Telkov. In 2014 he moved to St. Petersburg.
Graduated from Igor Lebedev’s course “Theory and Practice of Contemporary Photography” at the Photo Department.Institute.