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Vitaly Severov. Memories of Future IV. 30×72


Artist print

Dimensions: 30×72 cm
Edition of 1 AP
Inkjet monochrom prints on found papers from USSR laboratory of optical scientific researches.

Unique print.

1 in stock

SKU: 9770592134059605916 Category:


The project Memories of Future is a visual interpretation of our ecological heritage. Encompassed in its scope are meditations on our earliest past and most distant future. The following hundreds of thousands of coming years are unpredictable, and give rise to fears over our bitter heritage. Because hundreds of thousand years of ago the continents were uninhabited, written language did not exist, nor did homo sapiens.


I imagine such facilities as our charnel house, and simultaneously as our cradle. Here our historical path twists into a loop, returning the end to the beginning. Emerging from the primordial cave into the light, the symbol of our need for energy, power, and also perception in all its meanings, becomes in turn the symbol of the destructive effects of these human needs, which will return us into such caverns from which we came.


Documentary; Ongoing, started 2019.

Geography of project: Caucasian region (Armenia, Georgia, Russia);

Nearest Asia (Turkey); Central Ausia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan).


Vitaly Severov was born in 1996, Severodvinsk city, Arkhangelsk region, Russia.

He is working in post documentary photography, explore theme of public and personal memory.

Additional information

Weight 600 g

Vitaly Severov
